Foam Problems and Solutions in Steel Plate Cleaning

Aug 20, 2024

The purpose of cleaning steel plates is to remove dirt, oil, rust and other debris on the surface, so as to ensure the cleanliness and quality of the plates. The cleaned steel plates have excellent anti-adhesion, coating and anti-corrosion properties, and are suitable for subsequent processing procedures.



However, in the process of cleaning steel plates, a large amount of foam is often generated, causing many problems.

1. Weakened cleaning effect: Foam hinders the complete contact between the cleaning liquid and the steel plate, reducing the cleaning efficiency. Foam affects the uniform distribution of the cleaning liquid on the surface of the plate, thereby hindering the thorough removal of dirt and impurities.

2. Increased cleaning time: If there is too much foam, the cleaning time will also be forced to be extended to ensure thorough cleaning. This will undoubtedly extend the production cycle and increase the cost burden.

3. The process operation is more difficult: Foam will splash into the mechanical parts of the equipment or hard-to-reach areas, resulting in incomplete or difficult cleaning.

4. Serious waste of cleaning fluid: Foam will take away part of the cleaning fluid, resulting in a reduction in the actual amount of liquid used and a sharp increase in costs.

5. Safety is worrying: Foam in the working environment is likely to cause workers to slip. Especially when the foam fills the cleaning platform or the ground, the slippery feeling will intensify, greatly increasing the possibility of personal injury.


In response to the above problems, many manufacturers will add steel plate cleaning defoaming agents during the cleaning process. This additive can destroy the foam structure, make it disappear quickly or inhibit its generation. With the help of defoaming agents, the amount of foam generated can be significantly reduced, while the coverage and permeability of the cleaning fluid are improved, further enhancing the cleaning effect. In addition, defoaming agents can also help reduce foam accumulation, simplify the process flow, and improve cleaning efficiency.

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